Laure Boer Hypnotic Music. Expertimental.

- 21.09.25 Villingen (DE), Jazzclub, w/ Crutches
- 18.09.25 Regensburg (DE), Kammermusikfestival, w/ Crutches
- 22.08.25 Saalfelden (DE), Jazzfestival, w/ Crutches
- 23.05.25 Leipzig (DE), Interzone Festival, w/ Crutches
- 22.05.25 Bayreuth (DE), Neuneinhalb, w/ Crutches
- 23.04.25 Berlin (DE), Future Bash, w/ Crutches
- 14.04.25 Wien (AT), Celeste, Monday Improvisers Session
- 03.04.25 Jena (DE), Café Wagner, w/ Crutches
- 22.02.25 Berlin (DE), Jazzexzess, w/ Crutches
- 21.02.25 Pohrsdorf (DE), Saxstall, w/ Crutches
- 20.02.25 Chemnitz (DE), Weltecho, w/ Crutches
- 25.01.25 Würzburg (DE), Lo Fi Occult, Das andere Internet
- 24.01.25 Dresden (DE), Hole of Fame, Das andere Internet
- 10.01.25 Berlin (DE), Ohm, Kookoo
- 14.12.24 Cardiff (UK), Chapter Arts Center
- 09.12.24 Berlin (DE), Madame Claude, w/ Ben Whitehill
- 01.12.24 Berlin (DE), Noiseberg, ARBORE w/ Diane Barbé
- 15–17.11.24 Hamburg (DE), Galerie 21, solo exhibition
- 02.11.24 Mönchengladbach (DE), Noisefest
- 24–27.10 Kunsthaus Bregenz (AT), w/ Tarek Atoui
- 18.10.24 Salzburg (AT), Jazz in the city, w/ Crutches
- 11–12.10.24 Yerevan (AM), Nopa Festival, AMA w/ Marie-Louise Andersson
- 27–28.09.24 Kunsthal 44Møen (DK), AMA w/ Marie-Louise Andersson
- 21.09.24 Paris (FR), Théâtre Chaillot, w/ Magali Dougoud & Myriam Jarmache
- 14.09.24 Warsaw (PL), Ad Libitum Festival, w/ Ben Whitehill
- 22, 24.08.24 Copenhagen (DK), Brønshøj Vandtårn, AMA w/ Marie-Louise Andersson
- 07–08.09.24 Berlin (DE), Freilichtbühne Weissensee, Frog City Festival
- 20.07.24 Safiental (CH), Art Safiental Biennale, w/ Magali Dougoud & Myriam Jarmache
- 02.07.24 Bozen (IT), Südtirol Jazzfestival, w/ Crutches
- 09.06.24 Nürnberg (DE), Musikverein
- 06.06.24 Paris (FR), Institut Suédois, w/ The New Atlantis
- 01.06.24 Potsdam (DE), Waschhaus, Ambientfest
- 30.04.24 Berlin (DE), 90mil
- 13.03.24 Malmö (SE), Inkonst
- 09.02.24 Milan (IT), Cox18
- 03.02.24 Paris (FR), Zorba, w/ Nicolas Becker
- 18.01.24 Berlin, Arkaoda, w/ Édition d'Art
- 08–10.12.23 Hamburg (DE), Kunst im Quartier, Exhibition w/Penny Monogiou
- 26.11.23 Berlin, 90mil, w/ A Love Beyond Circuits
- 11.11.23 Berlin, Donau115, w/ Mononoke
- 26.10.23 Skive (DK), Krabbesholm, w/ Jacob Eriksen
- 21.10.23 Hamburg (DE), Kunsthaus Hamburg
- 20.10.23 Berlin (DE), Café Plume, w/ Niko de Paula Lefort
- 09.10.23 Potsdam (DE), Rechenzentrum
- 23.09.23 Berlin (DE), Kaos
- 17.09.23 Düsseldorf (DE), FFT, w/ Miki Yui, Diane Barbé, Echo Ho
- 07.09.23 Berlin (DE) Atonal, Ohm/Kraftwerk Berlin
- 03.09.23 Berlin (DE), Holzmarkt, Selbstgebaute Musik Festival
- 01.09.23 Wittstock Dosse (DE), Conscious Madness Festival, w/Diane Barbé
- 15.07.23 Berlin(DE), Morphine Records, w/Diane Barbé
- 01.07.23 Hamburg (DE), Künstler:innenhaus Sootboern
- 25.06.23 Katowice (PL), Ars Independent + Biuro Dźwięku
- 24.06.23 Łódź (PL), Bar Ignorantka
- 23.06.23 Warsaw (PL), club Chmury
- 22.06.23 Bydgoszcz (PL), Club Mózg
- 21.06.23 Poznan (PL), Dragon
- 27.05.23 Berlin (DE), Vessel
- 28.04.23 Cologne (DE), Ambient Chapel Festival
- 22.04.23 Berlin (DE), Open Studios Saalburgstr w/ Diane Barbé & Alan Affichard
- 15.04.23 Cologne (DE), Stadtgarten w/ Luise Volkmann
- 10.04.23 Paris (FR), 26 Chaises
- 06.04.23 Aubervilliers (FR), Masterclass CRR 93
- 01.04.23 Leipzig (DE), Spelunke
- 31.03.23 Dresden (DE), Hanse 3
- 30.03.23 Chemnitz (DE), Naturkundemuseum
- 18.03.23 Hamburg (DE), Galerie 21 im Vorwerkstif
- 08.03.23 Berlin (DE), Arkaoda, Sturmundrang
- 05.03.23 Berlin (DE), Noiseberg
- 28.01.23 Berlin (DE), Studio DB, Codex Club x Cashmere Radio
- 13.01.23 Essen (DE), Tage für Zusammenkünfte
- 27.11.22 Berlin (DE), Morphine Records, Torpor
- 26.11.22 Berlin (DE), Morphine Records, Torpor
- 29.10.22 Aarhus (DK), Palmehaven x Galleri Tese
- 20.10.22 Copenhagen (DK), Proton Records, Goodiepal Banana School w/ Marie-Louise Andersson
- 19.10.22 Gothenburg (SE), GAS Festival
- 10.10.22 Ostrava (CZ), w/ Timothée Quost & Ben Whitehill
- 09.10.22 Olomouc (CZ), w/ Timothée Quost & Ben Whitehill
- 08.10.22 Brno (CZ), w/ Timothée Quost & Ben Whitehill
- 07.10.22 Sokolowsko (PL), w/ Timothée Quost & Ben Whitehill
- 06.10.22 Poznan (PL), w/ Timothée Quost & Ben Whitehill
- 05.10.22 Hamburg (DE), Stubnitz, Anachronism
- 04.10.22 Bremen (DE), Schwankhalle, Anachronism
- 23.09.22 Leipzig (DE), Festival Seanaps
- 15.09.22 Nuremberg (DE), Launch Release on Otomatik Muziek Label
- 10.09.22 Cassel (DE), documenta15, w/ Diane Barbé & Kirstine E. Kjeldsen
- 03.–04.09.22 Cologne (DE), Radio Art Zone, 2.5097481 x 10^-5 Centuries
- 28.08.22 Berlin (DE), Radio Eins Parkfest
- 27.08.22 Berlin (DE), Madame Claude
- 19.–21.08.22 Oranienburg (DE), Countdown Grabowsee,
- 09.07.22 Berlin, Kühlspot, Anarchy in the Garden Festival
- 03.07.22 Lärz (DE), Fusion Festival
- 28.04.22 Berlin (DE), Édition d’Art, Arkaoda
- 20.03.22 Madrid (SP), Real No Real
- 21.12.21 Berlin (DE), Staalplaat, w/ Thimotée Quost
- 11.12.21 Struer (DK), Sound Art Lab,
- 13.11.21 Berlin (DE), Meakusma x Arkaoda, Édition d’Art
- 23.10.21 Berlin (DE), Borsig Amp Festival, Kesselhaus Herzberge
- 21.10.21 Berlin (DE), Morphine Records
- 05.10.21 Aarhus (DK), Det Jyske Kunst Akademi, w/ Yan Gi Cheng
- 16.09.21 Berlin (DE), Vierte Welt, w/ Pina Bettina Rücker & Evelyn Saylor
- 28.08.21 Berlin (DE), Villa Kuriosum, Sonic Curiosities
- 27.08.21 Tábor (CZ)
- 17.08.21 Berlin, Noiseberg, Unkraut Kollektiv
- 10.07.21 Berlin, Spoiler Zone ,Tax Free Records
- 09.07.21 Berlin, Panke, Codex Club
- 23.06.21 Berlin, Sameheads
- 04.06.21 Düsseldorf (DE), Weltkunstzimmer, Butoh Soundart Festival
- 29.05.–06.06.21 Stockholm, Slipvillan
- 26.05.21 Ruthless (online) Expert Trip Mental Music
- 21.05.21 Berlin (DE), Artspring
- 10.04.21 Potsdam (DE), Fabrik, Festival Q3Ambientfest
- 08.04.21 Chemnitz (DE), Ex:In
- 07.02.21 Noiseberg x Electric Offense (online)
- 27.09.20 Berlin (DE), Arkaoda
- 11.09.20 Berlin (DE), Hošek Contemporary
- 22–23.08.20 Oranienburg (DE), Countdown Grabowsee
- 08.08.20 Halle (DE), WUEST am WUK
- 27.06.20 Berlin (DE), Cashmere Radio, Oneironautics III, w/ Wissam Sader, Farah Hazim, Marylou Guerra, Diane Barbé
- 15.04.20 Leipzig (DE) Arte Concert and United We Stream, Conne Island
- 08.03.20 Berlin (DE), Arkaoda w/ Wissam Sader
- 27.02.20 Stockholm (SE), Larrys Corner
- 23.02.20 Stockholm (SE), Snotty Seaside, Northern Industrial Sunday
- 12.02.20 Bremen (DE), Schwankhalle, Anachronism
- 11.02.20 Hamburg (DE), Stubnitz, Anachronism
- 04.02.20 Berlin (DE), Acud, Showcase Amplify
- 16.01.20 Berlin (DE), Villa Kuriosum
- 15.01.20 Berlin (DE), Donau115
- 08.12.19 Berlin (DE), Kühlspot, Radio Vostok 4
- 07.12.19 Berlin (DE), Acud
- 06.12.19 Berlin (DE), Tennisbar
- 08.11.19 Berlin (DE), Das Kapital
- 27.10.19 Manila (PH), WSK Festival, w/ Auspicious Family
- 25.10.19 Manila (PH), WSK Festival, w/ Musicmakers Hacklab
- 24.10.19 Manila (PH), WSK Festival, w/ Gangan Orchestra
- 17.10.19 Manila (PH), Heresy x WSK, XX XX
- 19.10.19 Manila (PH), Heresy
- 18.09.19 Manila (PH), Today x Future, Ruthless, w/ Auspicious Family
- 16–17.08.19 Oranienburg (DE), Countdown Grabowsee
- 21.06.19 Berlin (DE), West Germany, w/ Yan Gi Cheng
- 08.05.19 Berlin (DE), Donau 115, w/ Bernstein Zimmer,
- 16.04.19 Berlin (DE), Kühlspot Radio Vostok 3
- 15.04.19 Berlin (DE), Willows Nest, Radio Vostok 3
- 30.03.19 Caen (FR), Artothèque
- 07.02.19 Berlin (DE), West Germany
- 30.01.19 Berlin (DE), Donau 115
- 2023 Laure Boer: Chicanes (Label: Kolala Productions, Germany, vinyl and digital)
- 2023 Laure Boer: Les cités englouties (Label: Kashual Plastik, Germany, vinyl and digital)
- 2023 Rites de passage, Luise Volkmann, rework Tracks And I Name You Téki and Die Archivarin (Label: Luise Volkmann, Germany, vinyl, cd and digital)
- 2023 ZA! & la TransMegaCobla + Remixes, remix track El Djent d'Aruj Yamim (Label: In:Ex, Germany, tape and digital)
- 2023 V.A.: Hope for Her Future–A Compilation for Girls in Afghanistan, compilation, track: Percée à travers les nuages (Label: Underground Institute, Germany, digital)
- 2023 V.A.: Geographic Possibility, compilation, track: Chien de faïence (Label: Phncrs, Tschekia, cd and digital)
- 2022 Laure & Laurent Boer: Echonomy Split Series #5 (Label: Otomatik Muziek, Germany, tape and digital)
- 2022 V.A.: For The Lack Of Better Words, compilation, track: Le temps s’épuise (Label: Otomatik Muziek, Germany, digital)
- 2021 Édition d’Art: Auberge des Sapins (Label: Kashual Plastik, Germany, cd and digital)
- 2021 V.A.: No More Shitty Years, compilation, track: 2020–09-16_Blues (Label: Tax Free Records, Germany, digital)
- 2021 V.A.: Lullabies for sleepless People in a tired World, compilation, track: Petit Soleil (Label: Kashual Plastik, Germany, tape and digital)
- 2021 V.A.: Labyrinth of Memories , compilation, track: Constellations (Label: Kashual Plastik, Germany, record/vinyl and digital)
- 2021 V.A.: The Wire Below the Radar, compilation, track: Soleil ébloui (UK, digital)
- 2021 Laure Boer: Agate et la pierre de Sable (Label: Kashual Plastik, Germany, tape and digital)
- 2020 Laure Boer w/ Auspicious Family: Wayward Symmetry (Label: Chinabot, UK, tape and digital)
- 2020 Laure Boer w/ Benjamin Geyer: Perseus Arm (Label: LAN, Germany, digital)
- 2020 Laure Boer w/ Fahmi Mursyid: Printemps (Indonesia, digital)
- 2020 Laure Boer w/ Auspicious Family & Tintin Patrone: Torpor (Composite by the Numbers, Philippines, digital)
- 2020 V.A.: 713.73, compilation, track Ballade à Noiseberg (Noiseberg, Germany, digital)
- 2020 V.A.: Piercing Touch, compilation, track Chorus (Label: Unguarded, Germany, digital)
- 2020 V.A.: Distances, compilation, track Retrouvailles (Label: Tsuku Boshi, France, digital)
- 2018 Laure Boer x Skrapez, One Foot in the Train Yard / Caresse de l’Air (USA, 8 inch lathe cut record)
- 2017 Laure Boer: Pieces for Church Organ, Live at Church St. Elisabeth, Kassel (Self-released, Germany, CDr)
- 2013 Laure Boer: 1/2 #9 Special Tbilisi (Label: undemi, France, CDr)
- 2013 Laure Boer: 1/2 #8 (Label: undemi, France, CDr)
- 2013 V.A.: The LP Collection Vol. 2, compilation, track Kibetan Trance (Label: The LP Company, Switzerland, digital)
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG
Laure Boer
Prinzenstr 85 C
c/o BANK / Graphic Design Today
10969 Berlin
Redaktionell verantwortlich: Laure Boer
Design: BANK / Graphic Design Today
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